IMGeluid information model transformed from UML to MIM and later to OWL.

The dataset used for the project of the Linked Data and Semantic Web course at the UT by Koen and Tim

Test van addin voor Enterprise Architect, vrij naar model2owl

Amazing dataset of the practical; great name; such wow

Kopie van de knowledge graph, die gemaakt is tijdens de NDE Data Doe Dag op 28 november 2023 in de Metaal Kathedraal in Utrecht. De originele knowledge graphs staat in de NDE TrIplyDB triplestore.

This dataset is an 'unofficial' lab environment that contains a number of example graphs that are used in the quizes and the weekly assignments of the online OpenHPI Knowledge Graphs - Foundations and Applications course.

These graphs can be used by PLDN community members and course participants that are taking the online course. Please note that these graphs are just a starting point for further experiments and might contain errors.

Linked Data extracted from a schematic of a railway yard drawn in Visio with a nifty plug-in. Go here to see a picture of the yard

Een Visio add-in haalt informatie uit een schematisch overzicht van een spoorwegemplacement en tovert deze om in LD.

Export produced from UML represented at http// Using EA2RDF.cs

The main dataset of the Astraios project