Orientation and introduction
Scientific methods and writing
Methods in spatial analysis
Astronomical instrumentation
Mechanical vibrations
Satellite navigation systems
Advanced aircraft structures
Aviation communication and information systems
Introduction of aero elasticity
Fracture mechanics
Accuracy and reliability in navigation
Fundamentals of experimental aerodynamics
Noise and vibrations in aviation
Aircraft computer systems
Practical numerical astronomy course
Fundamentals of space missions
Fundamentals of satellite systems and subsystems
Physics of the space environment
Fundamentals of space applications and services
Space system design
Space data systems
Satellite communications
Space system assembly, integration and testing - ground support equipment
Space software
Management Issues of space systems and missions
Practical course in observation-oriented astronomy
Space automation and robotics
Space system avionics
Space electronics
Space telecom and navigation systems/subsystems and technologies
Advanced optical communications systems with space applications.
Space system structures
Space system dynamics and control
Space system propulsion
Selective topics on space upstream
Earth observation applications and services
Data science in astrophysics
Big data - earth observation
Space Image processing
Space missions and operations design
Semantic technologies for earth observation
Advanced telecommunication system applications and services
Space data processing for space exploration
Space and security
Economics and policy on space technologies, applications and services
Emphasis in astronomy
Selective topics on space downstream
Geoinformation theory
Spatial data acquisition and positioning
Analytical methods in geoinformatics