Information for labelling the balise group.
de-DE: System der Zugbeeinflus ...... bereich ausgerüstet ist.
Geltungsbereich, dem das Signa ...... heidung Sh 1/Ra 12 vorgesehen.
Extra location info on the BG label.
Bandwidth types in bit per second. de-DE: Bandbreite in (k/M)bit pro Sekunde
Balise group types for tilting ...... gemäß Ril 819.1330
List of functions that can be ...... zugeordnet werden können.
Code letters for tagging PZB areas types. de-DE: Kennbuchstabe
The kind of user of the communication channel. de-DE: Uebertragungsweg_Art
Types of physical communicatio ...... ung des Übertragungsweges
de-DE: Art des Übertragungsnetzes
This is a façade to the n ...... as communication participant.
Informs about the communicatio ...... sätzlich zu schalten ist.
Types of communication technol ...... r physikalischen Schnittstelle
Meta information about an indi ...... supplier. de-DE: Lieferobjekt
de-DE: Gleissperrensignaltypen.
Designation of DB track assets ...... >nameOnSite = 60W5</li> </ul>
Points has no distinct position that offers flank protection. de-DE: Zwieschutz
de-DE: Ma&#223;nahme, durch di ...... eschutzweiche hergestellt wird
de-DE: Charakter der Zwieschutzweiche.
Set of properties that apply to DB points and crossings.
The uses of a fictitious signa ...... eit) eines fiktiven Signals.
For DB only one signal (via is ...... tted from the diverging point.
The types of Gfk used to estimate the number of address needed. de-DE: GFK Kategorie
List of functions that light i ...... efunktionen von Leuchtmeldern.
Diffuser orientations. de-DE: ...... , Zeile 9 (zweiter Eintrag)
de-DE: Betriebsartensteckertypen.
List of function types that a switch or button for a level crossing can fulfil. de-DE:
Classification according to th ...... lichen Funktionalit&#228;ten.
Level transition function types.
ZBS_Modem types de-DE: Modemt ...... tenkommunikation herstellen.
List of commands that the loca ...... NB-Bereich m&#246;glich sein.
Parameter for selecting a tele ...... process. E.g. big metal mass.
Provides a reference to a left ...... henkel oder auf Weichenspitze.
de-DE: Systemh&#246;he der Bah ...... kt des Reisendenzustiegs liegt
A predefined set of ETCS teleg ...... ntext such as a signal aspect.
Frequency in Hertz of the PZB magnet.
Informs whether the PZB magnet is active which depends on the route.
The various types of effective ...... . wie die Anschaltung erfolgt.
Defines the order in which mag ...... &#252;fmagneten einer G&#220;.
Telegram that must be relayed. de-DE: durchzureichendes Telegramm
Release the remainder of a shu ...... mehrere Rangierstra&#223;en.
Road sign properties and dimen ...... Choice: D or Df or (D1 and D2)
Per Route, the signal aspect t ...... egriff des Zielsignals gibt.
de-DE: Rangierfahrstrassentypen
A shunting route towards the r ...... Erlaubnis einer Block Anlage.