otherRestrictions (limitation not listed).
Reproduction for non-commercia ...... e or support in using the data
http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/me ...... AccessAndUse/NoConditionsApply
otherRestrictions (limitation not listed).
Reproduction for non-commercia ...... e or support in using the data
http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/me ...... AccessAndUse/NoConditionsApply
- title: COMMISSION REGULATION ...... lication - date: 2010-12-08
http://vap-xgeodev.jrc.ec.euro ...... /gmd&ELEMENTSETNAME=full#lakes
-15.00 (westBoundLongitude)
35.00 (southBoundLatitude)
45.00 (eastBoundLongitude)
72.00 (northBoundLatitude)
Identification for a keyword o ...... cation - date: 2008-04-14
Atmospheric conditions (INSPIRE Spatial Data Theme)
humanCatalogueViewer (spatial data service subcategory)
rain water (GEMET Concepts)
otherRestrictions (limitation not listed).
<gmx:Anchor link:href=" http:/ ...... "> no limitations</gmx:Anchor>
Computation of the SPI involve ...... ely on the rainfall data input
- organisationName: European C ...... : ies-contact@jrc.ec.europa.eu
The Standardized Precipitation ...... lly by meteorological services
SPI: Standardized Precipitation Index
- organisationName: European C ...... : ies-contact@jrc.ec.europa.eu
<gmx:Anchor xlink:href=" http: ...... ocable">invocable</gmx:Anchor>
code: http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4258