
The entry signal is associated either with <ul> <li>a light signal informing train staff to prepare for imminent departure (de-DE: Fahrtank&#252;nder - wei&#223;es Dreieck)</li> <li>a counter indicating the remaining time to planned departure (ProRail)</li> </ul> <ul> <li>a system that messages the train staff mobile device (de-DE: dann entf&#228;llt der physische Fahrtank&#252;nder).</li> </ul>


The entry signal is associated either with <ul> <li>a light signal informing train staff to prepare for imminent departure (de-DE: Fahrtank&#252;nder - wei&#223;es Dreieck)</li> <li>a counter indicating the remaining time to planned departure (ProRail)</li> </ul> <ul> <li>a system that messages the train staff mobile device (de-DE: dann entf&#228;llt der physische Fahrtank&#252;nder).</li> </ul>