Global anthropogenic CO2 emissions for 2007 based on EDGARv4.3 and BP statistics 2016

Global anthropogenic CO2 emissions based on EDGARv4.3, fuel type and category specific emissions provided by Greet Janssens-Maenhout (EU-JRC), BP statistics 2016 (, temporal variations based on MACC-TNO (, temporal extrapolation and disaggregation described in COFFEE (Steinbach et al. 2011).

Global anthropogenic CO2 emissions for 2007 based on EDGARv4.3 and BP statistics 2016

Global anthropogenic CO2 emissions based on EDGARv4.3, fuel type and category specific emissions provided by Greet Janssens-Maenhout (EU-JRC), BP statistics 2016 (, temporal variations based on MACC-TNO (, temporal extrapolation and disaggregation described in COFFEE (Steinbach et al. 2011).